

For companies that are looking to overhaul their lubrication management procedures, or simply looking to increase their performance, FEPL can provide you an independent audit that will help you improve the performance of your facility.

Step 1 – Identify Areas for Evaluation

Every plant is different. FEPL works with you to understand what the challenges are, what the evaluation needs to focus on, and what the desired outcomes are. Areas of Focus Lubrication Standards and Procurement Review how standards are set for facility lubricants, how lubricants are purchased and best practices for consolidating and rationalizing lubricants. Storage and Handling Evaluate contaminant exposure (air borne particulates and water), including cross contamination, initial fill procedures and contamination control methods. Data And Feedback Systems

Step 2 – Audit Execution

With a full understanding of what your needs are, FEPL develops an audit plan including timetables and personnel requirements. The audit is then executed with the facility personnel participating at every stage of the evaluation. FEPL collects as much possible hard data including pervious performance data, its own baseline and follow-up data from equipment, as well as soft data from observations of the facility, personnel activities and personnel interviews.

Step 3 – Report and Roadmap

After the audit is complete FEPL provides a full report that provides a thorough understanding of where the plant is and a road map to help it achieve significant improvements. There are any number of companies that provide these types of services. Most of these companies provide textbook solutions that are ill fitted to your situation or cost prohibitive. Oil Mist System Evaluation If you don’t have an oil mist lubrication system, we can perform a full plant analysis that provides you with all the information you need to decide if an oil mist lubrication system is right for you. This includes determining which oil mist system is best for you, outlining equipment requirements, designing an installation execution plan, and a cost‐benefit analysis.